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What Parents Need To Know

决定出国留学的学生即将开始一段改变一生的经历. 对于你的儿子或女儿来说,这将是一个独立和个人成长的好时机, in part as the result of taking on some important responsibilities. At the same time, 当你的学生准备并开始这一生一次的经历时,提供情感支持是很重要的. 下面的信息提供了一些你的儿子或女儿将承担的责任清单,作为出国留学经历的一部分.

How Parents Can Help Before Departure

Travel Documents


  • Since your son or daughter's passport may be at home with you, 你可以检查护照的有效期,因为一些国家要求游客持有的护照在他们离开访问国后至少6个月到期.
  • If your son or daughter will be applying for a passport for the first time, 他或她的出生证明或出生证明的正式摘要将被要求.
  • Permanent residents will need their U.S. 居留外国人卡最新,将需要从其国籍国的有效护照.
  • You should also have a valid passport in case of an emergency.

Student Visas

  • A student visa is required for a stay of over 90 days in most countries. While Concordia University Irvine staff, program sponsor staff, or host university staff may provide tips or advice, the student is ultimately responsible for obtaining his/her own visa. 学生签证由东道国政府通过其驻美国大使馆和/或领事馆签发.S. The student will need to know where to apply, what application materials are required, and when to apply.
  • It is very important to consider the timeline for applying for a visa. 在一些国家,学生必须在出国前几个月提交签证申请. In the meantime, 学生的护照可以在领事馆保存到出国留学前不久. 请记住,这可能会干扰你的学生或你的家人的假期旅行计划.
  • 请记住,非美国公民可能需要遵循不同的程序才能获得签证. Research the necessary steps as early as possible.


Before departure, 你的儿子或女儿应该有一个一般的身体和任何必要的免疫接种. Any pending dental work should be done before going abroad. 确保他/她携带完整的医疗记录和任何必要的处方药. Continue carrying your child as a dependent on your health insurance policy, even if he/she will have other coverage while studying abroad. 请注意,在许多国家,医疗服务的费用必须由病人预先支付(然后由保险公司报销)。. Learn more information about Health and Safety in Study Abroad


Access to funds

  • 和你的儿子或女儿一起决定如何获得日常财务需求和紧急情况下的资金. 你的学生应该询问银行,它的ATM卡在国外如何(或是否)使用,以及可能会有什么额外费用. 带有现金预支或旅行支票的个人信用卡也可以. 学生应与信用卡提供商联系,告知其海外学习计划的日期和地点,以避免信用卡账户上的欺诈警报和持有.
  • For students receiving financial aid and/or scholarships, 请记住,它们通常在康考迪亚大学欧文分校学期开始前不久发放. 如果你的学生的海外学习计划在康考迪亚大学欧文分校学期之前开始, your student may need some money in advance.


  • If your student does not have much experience making and sticking to a budget, 出发前的这段时间是讨论明智的消费行为和制定一些指导方针的好时机,比如可以有多少额外的支出.

Offer Support

Let your child take responsibility before and during the semester or year abroad, 但要确保他/她知道,如果他/她需要找人倾诉或需要任何支持,你也会在他/她身边. 讨论任何独立于项目的旅行计划,这样你就清楚地知道你孩子的旅行经历的持续时间和费用.

While Your Student Is Abroad

Don't Get Too Involved


Adjusting to a new environment isn't easy for anyone. Your son or daughter may likely share with you tales of frustration and homesickness, and you will be tempted to solve his/her problem, even if it means flying to another country. 在孩子遇到困难的时候给予他支持和理解,但要避免过度介入. 鼓励你的学生首先利用项目网站上提供的学生支持服务. Programs will have either a resident director or an international students' office. 留学经历的一部分是学习如何克服困难并克服困难. 当你的孩子知道他/她能够独立克服困难时,他/她会更快乐、更自信.


Be prepared to have less frequent communication with your child, and remember that every moment he or she is connected to you (or friends in the U.S.) via e-mail, text message, phone, etc. 他或她是否有时间不在东道国结交新朋友并与之互动. Less frequent communication does not mean less quality communication.


Remember that study abroad students are not on vacation. Attending class with your child, or taking him/her out of class to sightsee, will interrupt the educational process and immersion experience. If you want to visit, 最好是在项目结束或学期休息的时候,这样你们就可以一起旅行了. 记住要对东道国和寄宿家庭或宿舍的当地习俗和文化规范保持敏感.

When Your Child Returns

  • Be Prepared For Transformation: 在国外生活了很长一段时间后,很难不被这种经历所改变. This can take on many forms, 从新的穿衣方式到对不同食物的渴望,再到一种新的独立感, and even the desire to return abroad. It is important to be supportive of your child and be open to his/her transformation.
  • Don't Take It Personally: 有些学生可能会经历某种程度的反向文化冲击,需要一些时间来完全重新适应在家里的生活. He/She may even experience a period of depression and longing to return abroad. Don't take this personally, it is a natural part of the experience, and once again your support and understanding during this time will be very helpful. 大多数出国留学的参与者在多年后都表示,在海外度过的时光是他们大学生涯中最美好的时光——它改变了他们的一生.

Student Privacy Policies and Study Abroad

1974年联邦教育隐私权法案(FERPA)的规定适用于校园,当你的孩子在国外时也适用,因为他/她将是康考迪亚大学欧文分校的注册学生. 学校不能与家长分享大量的学生信息. 如果你就某些事情联系学校,我们可能无法直接回复你.

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